7 Dry Fruits To Avoid In Summer

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Dates are rich in nutrients, but they also generate heat. Overindulging in them throughout the summer may cause your body temperature to rise.


Although almonds are high in proteins and good fats, they also release heat. Don't overindulge to prevent overheating.


Walnuts are rich in protein and good fats, just like almonds. Even though they have several health advantages, consuming big amounts of them may cause an increase in body temperature.


Another dry fruit that produces heat is cashews. Because of their high calorie and fat content, it is recommended to take them in moderation, particularly during the summer.


Not only are pistachios tasty and healthy, but they also cause the body to heat up. To prevent overheating, enjoy them in moderation.

Dried Figs

Although tasty and nutrient-dense, dried figs release heat when consumed. Restrict your consumption to avoid the body building up too much heat.


In addition to being concentrated sources of nutrients and energy, raisins can raise body temperature. Eat them sparingly, particularly in the summer.


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