7 Things Not To Do Before Exams

Skipping Sleep

Avoid sacrificing sleep in favour of studying more, as this can negatively affect your exam performance by impairing focus, memory recall, and cognitive function.


Avoid eating large or unhealthy meals right before an exam as this might cause you to feel tired and sluggish, which can affect your ability to concentrate and stay awake.

Stressing Out

Avoid letting stress get the better of you before an exam because it might make it difficult for you to focus and remember material, which will affect how well you do.


Avoid waiting until the last minute to study or get ready for a test because this might lead to hurried or incomplete study sessions, which can result in worse grades.

Comparing Yourself

Before tests, try not to compare yourself to other people. This will help you feel inadequate and reduce anxiety, which will affect your confidence and exam performance.

Avoid Using Social Media

Social media should be avoided because it may be quite distracting online. Avoid using social media right before an exam since it will consume most of your time and energy.

Do Not Copy Anyone’s Strategy

You must keep studying in the same way because you are the one who knows your learning style and what works best for you


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